Cancan Tan, Wen Nie, Yifu Liu, Ya Wang, Yanchao Yuan, Jianfeng Liu, Ermei Chang, Wenfa Xiao, Zirui Jia*. Physiological response and molecular mechanism of Quercus variabilis under cadmium stress[J]. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 211(2024)108724 SCI,二区Top,通讯作者
Yifu Liu, Wenfa Xiao, Fude Wang, Ya Wang, Yao Dong, Wen Nie, Cancan Tan, Sanping An, Ermei Chang, Zeping Jiang, Junhui Wang, Zirui Jia. Species divergence and environmental adaptation of Picea asperata complex at the whole genome level. Ecology and Evolution. 2024;14:e70126. SCI,二区,共同通讯
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Ya Wang, Zeping Jiang, Aili Qin, et al. Population Structure, Genetic Diversity and Candidate Genes for the Adaptation to Environmental Stress in Picea koraiensis[J]. Plants 2023, 12, 1266.,SCI,二区,共同通讯
Wen Nie, Yifu Liu, Cancan Tan, et al. Characteristics and factors driving the variations in bark thickness of major woody plants in China [J]. Ecological Indicators, SCI,二区Top,共同通讯
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Jia Zirui, Wang Junhui, Zhang Shougong. Pollen morphology and its phylogenetic implications in the genus Picea[J]. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 2014, 300(3): 461-473. SCI, 三区,第一作者
袁艳超;肖文发;刘逸夫;谭灿灿;郭宇锋;王志勇;王军辉;贾子瑞*.气候变化下黄枝油杉与江南油杉的适生区预测[J].北京林业大学学报,2025年,DOI:10.12171/j.1000−1522.20240094. CSCD,通讯作者
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贾子瑞,张守攻,王军辉. 林芝云杉天然群体针叶与种实的变异及其地理趋势. 林业科学研究[J],2011,24(4): 428-436. CSCD,第一作者
贾子瑞, 张守攻, 王军辉. 林芝云杉天然群体同工酶遗传多样性分析[J]. 东北林业大学学报, 2011, 39(7):57-62. CSCD,第一作者
贾子瑞, 王军辉, 张守攻, 等. 云杉属花粉形态的电镜扫描研究[J]. 林业科学, 2014, 50(5):49-61. CSCD,第一作者