作者:ShouJia Sun,
Ping Meng*, JinSong Zhang, Xianchong Wan, Ning Zheng, Chunxia He
期刊:Plant and soil
Aims The objective of our study was to
confirm ifhydraulic lift (HL) promotes nutrient uptake in fieldgrownplants in
the same way as demonstrated previouslyin pot-grown plants.
Methods We conducted a field experiment in an
agroforestrysystem, over an entire growing season thatincluded a dry period and
a wet period. We used ashallow-root crop plant, mung bean (Vigna radiata L.),intercropped
with walnut (Juglans regia L.) and jujube(Zizyphus jujube Mill.), as an
indicator for the presenceof HL and its effects on nutrient uptake. To monitor
HL,we artificially applied deuterium isotope to the deeproots of trees.
Results We demonstrated the presence of a
naturalnitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium gradient alongthe soil depth, and
the occurrence of HL, evidenced by deuterium signature in the shallow soil
layers and V. radiata stem, only
during the dry season. J. regia and Z. jujube both had deep root systems,
but the formerspecies exhibited stronger HL to the shallow soil thanthe latter.
Meanwhile, the upper soil layers of J. regiahad significantly higher moisture
content, and theintercropped V. radiata
had higher nutrient content.
Conclusion HL can facilitate water uptake by V. radiata from the upper soil layers in
the field condition duringthe dry season, which relates to nutrient acquisition
bythe crop.