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Zhen Yang, Tiantian Zhao, Lisong Liang, Lei Jiang, Lujun Wang, Sihao Hou, Qinghua Ma*. Genetic analysis of the cultivars of Ping’ou hybrid hazelnut (C. heterophylla?Fisch. ×?C. avellana?L.) in China based on SSR markers. Forests, 2023, 14(7), 1405.
Zhen Yang, Wenxu Ma, Xiaohong Yang, Lujun Wang, Tiantian Zhao, Lisong Liang, Guixi Wang and Qinghua Ma*. Plastome phylogenomics provide new perspective into the phylogeny and evolution of Betulaceae (Fagales). BMC Plant Biology, 2022, 22: 611.
Nana Cui, Tiantian Zhao, Zhentai Han, Zhen Yang, Guixi Wang, Qinghua Ma*, Lisong Liang*. Characterisation of oil oxidation, fatty acid, carotenoid, squalene and tocopherol components of hazelnut oils obtained from three varieties undergoing oxidation. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2022, 57.
Sihao Hou, Tiantian Zhao, Zhen Yang, Dan Yang, Qing Li, Lisong Liang, Guixi Wang and Qinghua Ma*. Molecular cloning and yeast?two-hybrid provide new evidence for unique sporophytic self-incompatibility system of?Corylus. Plant Biology, 2022, 24(1): 104-116.
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Sihao Hou, Tiantian Zhao, Dan Yang, Qing Li, Lisong Liang, Guixi Wang, Qinghua Ma*. Selection and validation of reference genes for quantitative RT-PCR analysis in Corylus heterophylla Fisch. × Corylus avellana L. Plants-Basel, 2021, 10(1):159.
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Tiantian Zhao, Jingjing Li, Dingding Miao, Lisong Liang, Guixi Wang, Qinghua Ma*. Analysis of SSR information in the pistil transcriptome and the development and characterization of novel tri-nucleotide SSR markers in Corylus. European Journal of Horticultural Science, 2019, 84(5): 310-321.
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