

部门 花卉研究室 民族
籍贯 北京 课题组
研究领域 植物和微生物相互关系 出生年月 1984.08
导师资格 硕士生导师 毕业院校 中国农业科学院研究生院
职称 副研究员 毕业时间 2012.07
职务 所学专业 植物病理学
入职时间 2012.07 办公电话 010-62889684
电子邮件 liulei519@caf.ac.cn 传真

部 门:


民 族:

课 题 组:

籍 贯:










职 称:




职 务:










  • 学习工作经历
  • 科研项目
  • 所获奖励
  • 主要成果
  • 论文专著
  • 1. 杨前宇, 王涛, 梁立雄, 李潞滨, 刘蕾. 两种兰科植物CaM及CML基因家族全基因组分析. 林业科学研究, 2018,31(6):15-25. (通讯作者)

    2. 杨前宇, 何聪芬, 梁立雄, 王涛, 李潞滨, 刘蕾. 菌根真菌对3种兰花幼苗生长作用研究. 核农学报, 2019,33(4):687-695. (通讯作者)

    3. 周亚倩, 姚娜, 魏莉, 李潞滨, 刘蕾. 60Co-γ射线对树兰蒴果辐照生物学效应研究. 核农学报, 2017,31(9):1693-1699. (通讯作者)

    4. Lei Liu, Nan Hui, Lixiong Liang, Xiaoxia Zhang, Lubin Li*, Qiwu Sun*. Sphingobacterium haloxyli sp. nov., an endophytic bacterium isolated from Haloxylon ammodendron stems in Kumtag desert. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2018, 68(10): 3279-3284. (第一作者)

    5. Lei Liu, Nan Hui, Lixiong Liang, Xiaoxia Zhang, Qiwu Sun*, Lubin Li*. Sphingomonas deserti sp. nov., isolated from Mu Us Sandy Land soil. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2019, 69(2):441-446(第一作者)

    6. Tao Wang, Lei Liu, Xiaojing Wang, Lixiong Liang, Jinjun Yue*, Lubing Li*. Comparative analyses of anatomical structure, phytohormone levels, and gene expression profiles reveal potential dwarfing mechanisms in Shengyin Bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis f. tubaeformis). International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018, 19(6):1697-1719(并列第一作者)

    7. Lei Liu, Shi?yan Wang, Cong?fen He, Xiao?xia Zhang, Miao Chi, Li?xiong Liang, Lu?bin Li. Phytohalomonas tamaricis gen. nov., sp. nov., an endophytic bacterium isolated from Tamarix ramosissima roots growing in Kumtag desert, Archives of Microbiology,2020, 202: 143–151.(并列第一作者)

    8. Lei Liu, Shaowen Shi, Lixiong Liang, Lijun Xu, Miao Chi, Xiaoxia Zhang, Lubin Li. Neorhizobium lilium sp. nov., an endophytic bacterium isolated from Lilium pumilum bulbs in Hebei province. Archives of Microbiology,2019, 202:609–616. (第一作者)

    9. Lei Liu, Lixiong Liang, Lijun Xu, Miao Chi, Xiaoxia Zhang, Lubin Li. Rhizobium deserti sp.nov isolated from biological soil crusts collected at Mu Us Sandy Land, China. Current Microbiology, 2020, 77:327–333. (第一作者)

    10. Lei Liu, Lubin Li, Zheng Song, Shiyan Wang, Jun Zhang, et al. Parapedobacter deserti sp. nov., an endophytic bacterium isolated from Haloxylon ammodendron stems. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2017, 67(7): 2148-2152. (第一作者)

    11. Lixiong Liang, Qiwu Sun, Nan Hui, Xiaoxia Zhang, Lubin Li, Lei Liu. Phyllobacterium phragmitis sp. nov., an endophytic bacterium isolated from Phragmites australis rhizome in Kumtag Desert. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 2019, 112:661-668. (通讯作者)

    12. Lei Liu, Lixiong Liang, Xiaoxia Zhang, Lubin Li, et al. Mesorhizobium ephedrae sp. nov. isolated from the roots of Ephedra przewalskii in Kumtag desert. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2018, 68(11): 3615-3620.(第一作者)

    13. Zheng Song, Qiwu Sun, Lixiong Liang, Xiaoxia Zhang, Lubin Li, Lei Liu. Zobellella endophytica sp. nov., isolated from the roots of Phragmites communis in the Kumtag Desert. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2018, 68(12):3807-3811. (通讯作者)

    14. Lei Liu, Lixiong Liang, Shanwen He, Lijun Xu, Miao Chi, Shaowen Shi, XiaoXia Zhang, Lubin Li. Arthrobacter crusticola sp. nov., Isolated from Biological Soil Crusts in the Mu Us Sandy Land, China. Current Microbiology, 2020, 77: 2042–2048. (第一作者)

    15.Qianyu Yang, Lijun Xu, Wei Xia, Lixiong Liang, Xiao Bai, Lubin Li, Lu Xu, Lei Liu. Mycorrhizal Compatibility and Germination-Promoting Activity of Tulasnella Species in Two Species of Orchid (Cymbidium mannii and Epidendrum radicans). Horticulturae, 2021, 7, 472-486. (并列通讯作者)

    16.岳晋军, 张运山, 张萍, 袁金玲, 刘蕾. 极端低温条件下皖南地区竹类冻害调查评估[J]. 竹子学报, 2021, 40(3): 60-66. doi: 10.12390/jbr2021009(通讯作者)

    17.Qianyu Yang, Weibo Xiang, Zhihui Li, Yuxin Nian, Xiaoyun Fu, Guangzhu Zhou, Linbao Li, Jun Zhang, Xiao Han, Lu Xu, Xiao Bai, Lei Liu, Di Wu. Genome-wide characterization and expression analysis of HD-ZIP gene family in Dendrobium officinale, Frontiers in Genetics, 2022, DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2022.797014. (并列通讯作者)

  • 1.国家自然科学基金青年基金“兰科菌根真菌定殖分子机制研究” (31800522),主持;

    2.中国林业科学研究院基本科研业务费专项面上项目“新型观赏植物种质资源收集保存及开发应用” (CAFYBB2018SY004),主持;


    4.中国林业科学研究院林业研究所基本科研业务费专项“兰科植物与菌根真菌互作分子机制的初步研究” (RIF2013-06),主持;

    5.北京市科技计划课题“新型景观植物选育及生态调节技术研究与示范” (Z171100001417006),参加;

    6.中国林业科学研究院基本科研业务费专项资金项目重点实验室项目“竹类植物抗寒耐旱机理的组学研究” (CAFYBB2017ZY005),参加;

    7.国家重点研发计划子课题“生物土壤结皮微生物组成及沙化土地治理技术体系” (2016YFC0500801-04),参加

    8.中国林业科学研究院中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金 “土壤-植物-微生物相互作用对水质净化的影响” (CAFYBB2020SZ006-1),参加

  • 暂无信息

  • 1. 基于培养组学分离和筛选方法,获得大量林业特色微生物资源,建立完善了菌种分类鉴定及基因组分析平台

    利用培养组学的方法,从不同林业生态系统(森林、荒漠和湿地生态系统)中筛选获得了丰富的细菌资源,并系统解析了不同类型生物土壤结皮以及沙漠植物内生/根际微生物物种多样性及群落组成;利用选择性培养基和功能基因筛选方法,筛选具有生物固氮、产IAA、拮抗和植物促生等功能菌株,对基因组序列开展代谢通路及关键基因分析,并且通过回接试验,对菌株的促生功能进行评价;建立了新类群鉴定方法与分析平台,明确了10个新类群分类地位并进行了命名,其中包括一个新属Phytohalomonas tamaricis gen. nov., sp. nov.,研究结果为深入研究和开发利用微生物资源提供基础。

    2. 初步明确了兰科植物与菌根真菌的专一性关系


    3. 解析了竹类性状形成过程中关键基因调控网络



    1. 刘蕾,李潞滨,杨前宇. 角担菌属真菌促进兰科植物生长的方法,ZL201810480918.9. (第一发明人)

    2. 刘蕾,李潞滨,杨前宇. 一种促进硬叶兰、卡特兰种子萌发的胶膜菌属真菌的共生体系建立方法,ZL201711407614.1. (第一发明人)

    3. 李潞滨、刘蕾、魏莉、王涛、杨前宇. 一种促进硬叶兰、卡特兰种子萌发的胶膜菌属真菌的共生体系建立方法.发明专利ZL2017111407614.1.(第二发明人)

    4. 李潞滨、刘蕾、许丽君、游胜利. 一种金丝梅组织培养快速繁殖方法.发明专利ZL201811347726.7. (第二发明人)

    5. 李潞滨、刘蕾、许丽君、游胜利.一种杂交铁线莲的组织培养快速繁殖方法.发明专利201910087295.3.(第二发明人)

  • 1. 杨前宇, 王涛, 梁立雄, 李潞滨, 刘蕾. 两种兰科植物CaM及CML基因家族全基因组分析. 林业科学研究, 2018,31(6):15-25. (通讯作者)

    2. 杨前宇, 何聪芬, 梁立雄, 王涛, 李潞滨, 刘蕾. 菌根真菌对3种兰花幼苗生长作用研究. 核农学报, 2019,33(4):687-695. (通讯作者)

    3. 周亚倩, 姚娜, 魏莉, 李潞滨, 刘蕾. 60Co-γ射线对树兰蒴果辐照生物学效应研究. 核农学报, 2017,31(9):1693-1699. (通讯作者)

    4. Lei Liu, Nan Hui, Lixiong Liang, Xiaoxia Zhang, Lubin Li*, Qiwu Sun*. Sphingobacterium haloxyli sp. nov., an endophytic bacterium isolated from Haloxylon ammodendron stems in Kumtag desert. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2018, 68(10): 3279-3284. (第一作者)

    5. Lei Liu, Nan Hui, Lixiong Liang, Xiaoxia Zhang, Qiwu Sun*, Lubin Li*. Sphingomonas deserti sp. nov., isolated from Mu Us Sandy Land soil. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2019, 69(2):441-446(第一作者)

    6. Tao Wang, Lei Liu, Xiaojing Wang, Lixiong Liang, Jinjun Yue*, Lubing Li*. Comparative analyses of anatomical structure, phytohormone levels, and gene expression profiles reveal potential dwarfing mechanisms in Shengyin Bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis f. tubaeformis). International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018, 19(6):1697-1719(并列第一作者)

    7. Lei Liu, Shi?yan Wang, Cong?fen He, Xiao?xia Zhang, Miao Chi, Li?xiong Liang, Lu?bin Li. Phytohalomonas tamaricis gen. nov., sp. nov., an endophytic bacterium isolated from Tamarix ramosissima roots growing in Kumtag desert, Archives of Microbiology,2020, 202: 143–151.(并列第一作者)

    8. Lei Liu, Shaowen Shi, Lixiong Liang, Lijun Xu, Miao Chi, Xiaoxia Zhang, Lubin Li. Neorhizobium lilium sp. nov., an endophytic bacterium isolated from Lilium pumilum bulbs in Hebei province. Archives of Microbiology,2019, 202:609–616. (第一作者)

    9. Lei Liu, Lixiong Liang, Lijun Xu, Miao Chi, Xiaoxia Zhang, Lubin Li. Rhizobium deserti sp.nov isolated from biological soil crusts collected at Mu Us Sandy Land, China. Current Microbiology, 2020, 77:327–333. (第一作者)

    10. Lei Liu, Lubin Li, Zheng Song, Shiyan Wang, Jun Zhang, et al. Parapedobacter deserti sp. nov., an endophytic bacterium isolated from Haloxylon ammodendron stems. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2017, 67(7): 2148-2152. (第一作者)

    11. Lixiong Liang, Qiwu Sun, Nan Hui, Xiaoxia Zhang, Lubin Li, Lei Liu. Phyllobacterium phragmitis sp. nov., an endophytic bacterium isolated from Phragmites australis rhizome in Kumtag Desert. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 2019, 112:661-668. (通讯作者)

    12. Lei Liu, Lixiong Liang, Xiaoxia Zhang, Lubin Li, et al. Mesorhizobium ephedrae sp. nov. isolated from the roots of Ephedra przewalskii in Kumtag desert. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2018, 68(11): 3615-3620.(第一作者)

    13. Zheng Song, Qiwu Sun, Lixiong Liang, Xiaoxia Zhang, Lubin Li, Lei Liu. Zobellella endophytica sp. nov., isolated from the roots of Phragmites communis in the Kumtag Desert. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2018, 68(12):3807-3811. (通讯作者)

    14. Lei Liu, Lixiong Liang, Shanwen He, Lijun Xu, Miao Chi, Shaowen Shi, XiaoXia Zhang, Lubin Li. Arthrobacter crusticola sp. nov., Isolated from Biological Soil Crusts in the Mu Us Sandy Land, China. Current Microbiology, 2020, 77: 2042–2048. (第一作者)

    15.Qianyu Yang, Lijun Xu, Wei Xia, Lixiong Liang, Xiao Bai, Lubin Li, Lu Xu, Lei Liu. Mycorrhizal Compatibility and Germination-Promoting Activity of Tulasnella Species in Two Species of Orchid (Cymbidium mannii and Epidendrum radicans). Horticulturae, 2021, 7, 472-486. (并列通讯作者)

    16.岳晋军, 张运山, 张萍, 袁金玲, 刘蕾. 极端低温条件下皖南地区竹类冻害调查评估[J]. 竹子学报, 2021, 40(3): 60-66. doi: 10.12390/jbr2021009(通讯作者)

    17.Qianyu Yang, Weibo Xiang, Zhihui Li, Yuxin Nian, Xiaoyun Fu, Guangzhu Zhou, Linbao Li, Jun Zhang, Xiao Han, Lu Xu, Xiao Bai, Lei Liu, Di Wu. Genome-wide characterization and expression analysis of HD-ZIP gene family in Dendrobium officinale, Frontiers in Genetics, 2022, DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2022.797014. (并列通讯作者)

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