(1)Bi Quanxin#, Zhao Yao#, Du Wei#, Lu Ying, Gui Lang, Zheng Zhiming, Yu Haiyan, Cui Yifan, Liu Zhi, Cui Tianpeng, Cui Deshi, Liu Xiaojuan, Li Yingchao, Fan Siqi, Hu Xiaoyu, Fu Guanghui, Ding Jian, Ruan Chengjiang*, Wang Libing*. Pseudomolecule-level assembly of the Chinese oil tree yellowhorn (Xanthoceras sorbifolium) genome. Gigascience, 2019, 8: 1-11.
(2)Bi Quanxin#, Zhao Yang#, Cui Yifan, Wang Libing*. Genome survey sequencing and genetic background characterization of yellow horn based on next generation sequencing. Molecular Biology Reports, 2019, 46: 430 3-4312.
(3)Niu Jun#*, Bi Quanxin#, Deng Shuya, Chen Huiping, Yu Haiyan, Wang Libing, Lin Shanzhi. Identification of AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR gene family from Prunus sibirica and its expression analysis during mesocarp and kernel development. BMC Plant Biology, 2018, 18(21): 1-11.
(4)Bi Quanxin, Guo Bin, Zhang Dongxu, Guan Wenbin*. Identification and characterization of conserved and novel microRNAs in Xanthoceras sorbifolium via deep sequencing. Genes & Genomics, 2015, 37: 281-286.
(5)Bi Quanxin, Mao Jianfeng, Guan Wenbin *. Efficiently developing a large set of polymorphic EST-SSR markers for Xanthoceras sorbifolium by mining raw reads from high-throughput sequencing. Conservation Genetics Resources, 2015, 7: 423-425.
(6)Bi Quanxin, Guan Wenbin*. Isolation and characterisation of polymorphic genomic SSRs markers for the endangered tree Xanthoceras sorbifolium Bunge, Conservation Genetics Resources. 2014, 6: 895-898.
(7)Bi Quanxin, Zhao Yao, Liu Xiaojuan,Yu Haiyan, Wang Libing*, Reference genome of yellowhorn Xanthoceras sorbifolium,a wood oil tree in China, Tree Genomics and Biotechnology, IUFRO 2019, Brazil, 2019, 39,318-319. (国际会议论文)
(8)Bi Quanxin, Zhao Yang, Yu Haiyan, Wang Libing*, International Symposium on Forest Tree Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (FTMB2018) , Flower color taransformation in Xanthoceras Sorbifolium by transcriptome sequencing, Harbin, 2018, Poster Ⅶ-5,106. (国际会议论文)
(9) Zhao Yao, Hu Xiaoyu, Bi Quanxin, Fan Siqi, Tian Mengni, Wang Shaoxiong, Wang Libing*, International Symposium on Forest Tree Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (FTMB2018) , Physiological and transcriptome analysis of Xanthoceras sorbifolium under drought stress, Harbin, 2018, Poster Ⅶ-5,96. (国际会议论文)
(10)El-Kassaby Yousry A*. Wang, Qing, Wang Tongli,Ratcliffe Blaise,Bi Quanxin,Wang Zhou,Mao Jian-Feng,Guan Wenbin,Concept for gene conservation strategy for the endangered Chinese yellowhorn, Xanthoceras sorbifolium, based on simulation of pairwise kinship coefficients, Forest Ecology And Management, 2019, 432: 976-982.
(11)Jin Yuqing, Bi Quanxin, Guan Wenbin, Mao Jianfeng*, Development Of 23 Novel Polymorphic EST-SSR Markers For The Endangered Relict Conifer Metasequoia Glyptostroboides, Applications In Plant Sciences, 2015, 3(9):1500038.
(12)Yu Haiyan, Fan Siqi, Bi Quanxin, Wang Shaoxiong, Hu Xiaoyu, Chen Mengyuan, Wang Libing*. Seed morphology, oil content and fatty acid composition variability assessment in yellow horn (Xanthoceras sorbifolium Bunge) germplasm for optimum biodiesel production. Industrial Crops and Products, 2017, 97: 425-430.
(13)Fan Siqi, Liang Tianyu, Yu Haiyan, Bi Quanxin, Li Gangtie, Wang Libing*. Kernel characteristics, oil contents, fatty acid compositions and biodiesel properties in developing Siberian apricot (Prunus sibirica L.) seeds. Industrial Crops and Products, 2016, 89: 195-199.
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