

部门 复合农林业研究室 民族
籍贯 江苏 课题组 林业气象、复合农林业
研究领域 生态学、森林土壤学 出生年月 1982.6
导师资格 硕士生导师 毕业院校 中国农业大学
职称 研究员 毕业时间 2008.6
职务 所学专业 土壤学/生态学
入职时间 2008.7 办公电话 010-62889632
电子邮件 lusen@caf.ac.cn 传真 010-62872015

部 门:


民 族:

课 题 组:


籍 贯:










职 称:




职 务:











  • 学习工作经历
  • 科研项目
  • 所获奖励
  • 主要成果
  • 论文专著
  • (1) Song Xueshu, Shaomin Shi, Sen Lu, Rongxiu Ren, Chunxia He, Ping Meng, Jinsong Zhang, Changjun Yin, Xiao Zhang. 2021. Changes in soil chemical properties following afforestation of cropland with Robinia pseudoacacia in the southeastern Loess Plateau of China. Forest Ecology and Management. 487:118993.

    (2) Yongwei Fu, Sen Lu, Tusheng Ren, Robert Horton, Josh Heitman. Estimating soil water retention curves from soil thermal conductivity measurements. Journal of Hydrology. 2021. 603:127171.

    (3) Lu Sen, Tusheng Ren, Robert Horton. 2020. Estimating the components of apparent thermal conductivity of soils at various water contents and temperatures. Geoderma. 376:114530.

    (4) Lu Sen, Yili Lu, Wei Peng, Zhaoqiang Ju, Tusheng Ren. 2019. A generalized relationship between thermal conductivity and matric suction of soils. Geoderma. 337:491-497.

    (5) Lu Sen, Hesong Wang, Ping Meng, Jinsong Zhang, Xiao Zhang. 2018. Determination of soil ground heat flux through heat pulse and plate methods: Effects of subsurface latent heat on surface energy balance closure. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 260-261:176-182.

    (6) Lu Sen, Tusheng Ren, Yili Lu, Ping Meng, Jinsong Zhang. 2017. Thermal separation of soil particles from thermal conductivity measurement under various air pressures. Sci. Rep. 7:40181

    (7) Lu Sen, Changming Ma, Ping Meng, Jinsong Zhang, Xiao Zhang, Yili Lu, Changjun Yin. 2016. Experimental investigation of subsurface soil water evaporation on soil heat flux plate measurement. Applied Thermal Engineering. 93:433-437.

    (8) Lu Sen, Feng Wang, Ping Meng, Jinsong Zhang. 2015. Simultaneously Protecting the Environment and its Residents: The Need to Incorporate Agroforestry Principles into the Ecological Projects of China. Ecological Indicators. 57:61-63.

    (9) Lu Sen, Ping Meng, Jinsong Zhang, Changjun Yin, Shiyou Sun. 2015. Changes in soil organic carbon and total nitrogen in croplands converted to walnut-based agroforestry systems and orchards in Southeastern Loess Plateau of China. Environ. Monit. Assess. doi: 10.1007/s10661-014-4131-9.

    (10) Yili Lu, Sen Lu, Robert Horton and Tusheng Ren. 2014. An Empirical Model for Estimating Soil Thermal Conductivity from Texture, Water Content, and Bulk Density. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 78(6):1859-1868.

    (11) Xiaona Liu, Sen Lu, Robert Horton and Tusheng Ren. 2014. In Situ Monitoring of Soil Bulk Density with a Thermo-TDR Sensor. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 78(2):400-407.

    (12) Zhang Xiao, Sen Lu, Joshua Heitman, Robert Horton, Tusheng Ren. 2012. Measuring subsurface soil-water evaporation with an improved heat-pulse probe. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 76(3):876-879.

    (13) Wang Yajing, Sen Lu, Tusheng Ren, and Baoguo Li. 2011. Bound Water Content of Air-dry Soils Measured by Thermal Analysis. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 75(2):481-487.

    (14) Lu Sen, Tusheng Ren, Zhenrong Yu, Robert Horton. 2011. A method to estimate the water vapour enhancement factor in soil. Eur. J. Soil Sci. 62(4):498-504.

    (15) Lu Sen, Tusheng Ren, Zhaoqiang Ju, Robert Horton. 2009. A general approach to estimate soil water content from thermal inertia. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 149(10):1693-1698.

    (16) Lu Sen, Tusheng Ren, Yuanshi Gong, Robert Horton. 2008. Evaluation of three models that describe soil water retention curves from saturation to oven dryness. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 72(6):1542-1546.

    (17) Lu Sen, Tusheng Ren, Yuanshi Gong, Robert Horton. 2007. An improved model for predicting soil thermal conductivity from water content at room temperature. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 71:8-14.

    (1) 孙义亨,施少敏,宋学姝,孟 平,张劲松,任荣秀,陆 森. 基于气体分子动理论的土壤孔隙结构特征研究. 土壤, 2021, 53(2): 398–402.

    (2) 任荣秀,杜章留,孙义亨,宋学姝,陆森.华北低丘山地不同土地利用方式下土壤团聚体及其有机碳分布特征.生态学报,2020,40(19):6991-6999.

    (3) 陆森, 张劲松, 孟平, 孙世友. 热脉冲技术测定土壤热通量的原理和方法[J]. 林业科学研究, 2014, 27(5):710-713.

    (4) 陆森,张劲松,孟平等. 2012. 石榴-小麦间作系统的地面热通量. 林业科学. 48(8):6-10.

    (5) 陆森,张劲松,孟平等. 2012. 华北低山丘陵区绿豆和玉米农田土壤呼吸动态研究. 中国农业气象. 33(2):174-177.

    (6) 陆森,任图生,杨泱,孙世友,巨兆强. 2010. 多针热脉冲技术测定土壤热导率误差分析. 农业工程学报. 26(6):20-25. (EI)

    (7) 陆森,任图生. 2009. 不同温度下的土壤热导率模拟. 农业工程学报. 25(7):13-18. (EI)

  • 曾主持完成国家自然科学基金青年项目、面上项目各一项,曾主持完成北京市自然科学基金一项。


  • 2009年 北京土壤学会青年科技论文二等奖

    2016年 入选中国林科院杰出青年之一

  • 暂无信息

  • (1) Song Xueshu, Shaomin Shi, Sen Lu, Rongxiu Ren, Chunxia He, Ping Meng, Jinsong Zhang, Changjun Yin, Xiao Zhang. 2021. Changes in soil chemical properties following afforestation of cropland with Robinia pseudoacacia in the southeastern Loess Plateau of China. Forest Ecology and Management. 487:118993.

    (2) Yongwei Fu, Sen Lu, Tusheng Ren, Robert Horton, Josh Heitman. Estimating soil water retention curves from soil thermal conductivity measurements. Journal of Hydrology. 2021. 603:127171.

    (3) Lu Sen, Tusheng Ren, Robert Horton. 2020. Estimating the components of apparent thermal conductivity of soils at various water contents and temperatures. Geoderma. 376:114530.

    (4) Lu Sen, Yili Lu, Wei Peng, Zhaoqiang Ju, Tusheng Ren. 2019. A generalized relationship between thermal conductivity and matric suction of soils. Geoderma. 337:491-497.

    (5) Lu Sen, Hesong Wang, Ping Meng, Jinsong Zhang, Xiao Zhang. 2018. Determination of soil ground heat flux through heat pulse and plate methods: Effects of subsurface latent heat on surface energy balance closure. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 260-261:176-182.

    (6) Lu Sen, Tusheng Ren, Yili Lu, Ping Meng, Jinsong Zhang. 2017. Thermal separation of soil particles from thermal conductivity measurement under various air pressures. Sci. Rep. 7:40181

    (7) Lu Sen, Changming Ma, Ping Meng, Jinsong Zhang, Xiao Zhang, Yili Lu, Changjun Yin. 2016. Experimental investigation of subsurface soil water evaporation on soil heat flux plate measurement. Applied Thermal Engineering. 93:433-437.

    (8) Lu Sen, Feng Wang, Ping Meng, Jinsong Zhang. 2015. Simultaneously Protecting the Environment and its Residents: The Need to Incorporate Agroforestry Principles into the Ecological Projects of China. Ecological Indicators. 57:61-63.

    (9) Lu Sen, Ping Meng, Jinsong Zhang, Changjun Yin, Shiyou Sun. 2015. Changes in soil organic carbon and total nitrogen in croplands converted to walnut-based agroforestry systems and orchards in Southeastern Loess Plateau of China. Environ. Monit. Assess. doi: 10.1007/s10661-014-4131-9.

    (10) Yili Lu, Sen Lu, Robert Horton and Tusheng Ren. 2014. An Empirical Model for Estimating Soil Thermal Conductivity from Texture, Water Content, and Bulk Density. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 78(6):1859-1868.

    (11) Xiaona Liu, Sen Lu, Robert Horton and Tusheng Ren. 2014. In Situ Monitoring of Soil Bulk Density with a Thermo-TDR Sensor. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 78(2):400-407.

    (12) Zhang Xiao, Sen Lu, Joshua Heitman, Robert Horton, Tusheng Ren. 2012. Measuring subsurface soil-water evaporation with an improved heat-pulse probe. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 76(3):876-879.

    (13) Wang Yajing, Sen Lu, Tusheng Ren, and Baoguo Li. 2011. Bound Water Content of Air-dry Soils Measured by Thermal Analysis. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 75(2):481-487.

    (14) Lu Sen, Tusheng Ren, Zhenrong Yu, Robert Horton. 2011. A method to estimate the water vapour enhancement factor in soil. Eur. J. Soil Sci. 62(4):498-504.

    (15) Lu Sen, Tusheng Ren, Zhaoqiang Ju, Robert Horton. 2009. A general approach to estimate soil water content from thermal inertia. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 149(10):1693-1698.

    (16) Lu Sen, Tusheng Ren, Yuanshi Gong, Robert Horton. 2008. Evaluation of three models that describe soil water retention curves from saturation to oven dryness. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 72(6):1542-1546.

    (17) Lu Sen, Tusheng Ren, Yuanshi Gong, Robert Horton. 2007. An improved model for predicting soil thermal conductivity from water content at room temperature. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 71:8-14.

    (1) 孙义亨,施少敏,宋学姝,孟 平,张劲松,任荣秀,陆 森. 基于气体分子动理论的土壤孔隙结构特征研究. 土壤, 2021, 53(2): 398–402.

    (2) 任荣秀,杜章留,孙义亨,宋学姝,陆森.华北低丘山地不同土地利用方式下土壤团聚体及其有机碳分布特征.生态学报,2020,40(19):6991-6999.

    (3) 陆森, 张劲松, 孟平, 孙世友. 热脉冲技术测定土壤热通量的原理和方法[J]. 林业科学研究, 2014, 27(5):710-713.

    (4) 陆森,张劲松,孟平等. 2012. 石榴-小麦间作系统的地面热通量. 林业科学. 48(8):6-10.

    (5) 陆森,张劲松,孟平等. 2012. 华北低山丘陵区绿豆和玉米农田土壤呼吸动态研究. 中国农业气象. 33(2):174-177.

    (6) 陆森,任图生,杨泱,孙世友,巨兆强. 2010. 多针热脉冲技术测定土壤热导率误差分析. 农业工程学报. 26(6):20-25. (EI)

    (7) 陆森,任图生. 2009. 不同温度下的土壤热导率模拟. 农业工程学报. 25(7):13-18. (EI)

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