

部门 分子生物学研究室 民族
籍贯 湖南省湘乡市 课题组 林木逆境生理与抗性育种
研究领域 树木生理与分子生物学 出生年月
导师资格 博士生导师 毕业院校 德国哥廷根大学
职称 研究员 毕业时间 2006年2月
职务 所学专业 树木生理学
入职时间 2015年6月 办公电话 010-62824048
电子邮件 luozbbill@163.com 传真

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民 族:

课 题 组:


籍 贯:









职 称:




职 务:










  • 学习工作经历
  • 科研项目
  • 所获奖励
  • 主要成果
  • 论文专著
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  • 1、目前主持/参与的科研项目






    15)中国林科院国家重点实验室基本科研业务费项目“杨树响应高温和干旱胁迫的分子生理调控机制” (项目编号:CAFYBB2014ZX001-2);




    11)国家林业局公益性行业科研专项青年项目“重金属污染土壤的林木修复机理与调控技术” (项目编号:201204210,资助时间:2012.01-2014.12);



    8)霍英东教育基金会第十二届高等院校青年教师基金基础性研究课题“氮素对杨树木材木质素生物合成调控的分子生理机制” (项目编号:121026;资助时间:2010.05-2013.04);

    7)教育部博士点基金项目“氮素对杨树木质素生物合成途径中PAL、CCoAOMT和F5H基因表达的调控”(项目编号:20090204110027;资助时间:2010.01-2012. 12);

    6)西北农林科技大学基本科研业务费专项资金项目“土壤干旱胁迫下杨树的生理响应与质膜水孔蛋白基因PIPs 转录水平调控” (项目编号:QN2009063;资助时间:2010.01-2012. 12);

    5)教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目“杨树抗逆的生态生理与分子生理机制研究”(项目编号:NCET-08-0468;资助时间:2009.01-2011. 12);

    4)西北农林科技大学引进海外高级人才科研启动经费项目:“杨树抗/耐镉的生理与分子机制研究”(项目编号: 01140414; A213020903;资助时间:2009.01-2011. 12);

    3)德国科学研究基金(DFG)资助项目“杨树菌根形成的分子机理及其对杨树抗逆性的影响研究”(项目编号:PO362/12-3; 资助时间:2006. 01-2008. 09);

    2)欧盟第五框架项目“在森林和农林生态系统中利用空气中CO2加富技术对全球变化的研究”中的子课题“空气中CO2加富和氮肥对森林木材品质与次生代谢物的影响研究”(项目编号:EVR1-CT-2002-40027;资助时间:2003. 01-2005. 12);

    1)中德合作项目“保水剂在西南干热河谷地区植被恢复中的应用研究”(资助时间:2000. 01-2002. 12)。

  • 2021年10月,入选国家林草局“科技创新领军人才”;







  • 暂无信息

  • 论文论著 (*:通讯作者;更新时间:2023年3月)


    论 文

    47) Dongyue Zhu, Zhuorong Li, Shurong Deng, Qifeng Liu, Jiangting Wu, Xin Chen, Yang Wang, Yao Cheng, Lingyu Yang, Mengyan Zhou, Chenlin Jia, Jing Zhou, Wenguang Shi, Payam Fayyaz, Zhi-Bin Luo* (2023) Transcriptomic dissection underlying physiological and anatomical characteristics of poplar wood in response to changes in light intensity and nitrogen availability. Environmental and Experimental Botany 206: 105186.

    46) Hongyan Guo, Qiuping Zhong, Feng Tian, Xingjian Zhou, Xinjian Tan*, Zhi-Bin Luo* (2022) Transcriptome analysis reveals putative induction of floral initiation by old leaves in tea-oil tree (Camellia oleifera ‘changlin53’). International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23: 13021.

    45) Wenjian Yu#, Shurong Deng#, Xin Chen, Yao Cheng, Zhuorong Li, Jiangting Wu, Dongyue Zhu, Jing Zhou, Yuan Cao, Payam Fayyaz, Wenguang Shi*, Zhi-Bin Luo* (2022) PcNRAMP1 enhances cadmium uptake and accumulation in Populus × canescens. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23: 7593.

    44)Wenguang Shi*, Jing Li, Donxu Kan, Wenjian Yu, Xin Chen, Yuhong Zhang, Chaofeng Ma, Shurong Deng, Jing Zhou, Payam Fayyaz, Zhi-Bin Luo (2022) Sulfur metabolism, organic acid accumulation and phytohormone regulation are crucial physiological processes modulating the different tolerance to Pb stress of two contrasting poplars. Tree Physiology 42: 1799-1811.

    43)Yan Lu#, Shurong Deng#, Zhuorong Li, Jiangting Wu, Dongyue Zhu, Wenguang Shi, Jing Zhou, Payam Fayyaz, Zhi-Bin Luo* (2022) Physiological characteristics and transcriptomic dissection in two root segments with contrasting net fluxes of ammonium and nitrate of poplar under low nitrogen availability. Plant & Cell Physiology 63(1): 30-44.

    42) Wenguang Shi, Jing Zhou, Jing Li, Chaofeng Ma, Yuhong Zhang, Shurong Deng, Wenjian Yu, Zhi-Bin Luo* (2021) Lead exposure-induced defense responses result in low lead translocation from the roots to aerial tissues of two contrasting poplar species. Environmental Pollution 271: 116346.

    41) Wenguang Shi#, Wenzhe Liu#, Chaofeng Ma#, Yuhong Zhang#, Shen Ding, Wenjian Yu, Shurong Deng, Jing Zhou, Hong Li, Zhi-Bin Luo* (2020) Dissecting microRNA-mRNA regulatory networks underlying sulfur assimilation and cadmium accumulation in poplar leaves. Plant & Cell Physiology 61(9):1614-1630.

    40) Jing Zhou, Yan Lu, Wen-Guang Shi, Shu-Rong Deng, Zhi-Bin Luo* (2020) Physiological characteristics and RNA sequencing in two root zones with contrasting nitrate assimilation of Populus × canescens. Tree Physiology 40: 1392-1404.

    39) Yan Lu, Shurong Deng, Zhuorong Li, Jiangting Wu, Qifeng Liu, Wenzhe Liu, Wenjian Yu, Yuhong Zhang, Wenguang Shi, Jing Zhou, Hong Li, Andrea Polle, Zhi-Bin Luo* (2019) Competing Endogenous RNA Networks Underlying Anatomical and Physiological Characteristics of Poplar Wood in Acclimation to Low Nitrogen Availability. Plant & Cell Physiology 60(11): 2478-2495.

    38) Wenguang Shi, Yuhong Zhang, Shaoliang Chen, Andrea Polle, Heinz Rennenberg, Zhi-Bin Luo* (2019) Physiological and molecular mechanisms of heavy metal accumulation in non-mycorrhizal versus mycorrhizal plants. Plant, Cell and Environment 42:1087-1103.

    37) Wen-Guang Shi, Wenzhe Liu, Wenjian Yu, Yuhong Zhang, Shen Ding, Hong Li, Tanja Mrak, Hojka Kraigher, Zhi-Bin Luo* (2019) Abscisic acid enhances lead translocation from the roots to the leaves and alleviates its toxicity in Populus × canescens. Journal of Hazardous Materials 362:275-285.

    36) Chaofeng Ma, Yinghao Chen, Shen Ding, Ziliang Li, Wen-Guang Shi, Yi Zhang, Zhi-Bin Luo* (2018) Sulfur nutrition stimulates lead accumulation and alleviates its toxicity in Populus deltoides. Tree Physiology 38:1724-1741.

    35) Yinghao Chen, Thi Hong Nhung Nguyen, Jingjing Qin, Yu Jiao, Ziliang Li, Shen Ding, Yan Lu, Qifeng Liu, Zhi-Bin Luo* (2018) Phosphorus assimilation of Chinese fir from two provenances during acclimation to changing phosphorus availability. Environmental and Experimental Botany 153: 21-34.

    34) Yu Jiao, Yinghao Chen, Chaofeng Ma, Jingjing Qin, Thi Hong Nhung Nguyen, Di Liu, Honghao Gan, Shen Ding, Zhi-Bin Luo* (2018) Phenylalanine as a nitrogen source induces root growth and nitrogen use efficiency in Populus × canescens. Tree Physiology 38: 66-82.

    33) Zhi-Bin Luo*, Jie Luo (2017) Uncovering the physiological mechanisms that allow nitrogen availability to affect drought acclimation in Catalpa bungei. Tree Physiology 37: 1453-1456.

    32) Shen Ding, Chaofeng Ma, Wenguang Shi, Wenzhe Liu, Yan Lu, Qifeng Liu, Zhi-Bin Luo* (2017) Exogenous glutathione enhances cadmium accumulation and alleviates its toxicity in Populus × canescens. Tree Physiology 37: 1697-1712.

    31) Jingbo Jia, Jing Zhou, Wenguang Shi, Xu Cao, Jie Luo, Andrea Polle, Zhi-Bin Luo* (2017) Comparative transcriptomic analysis reveals the roles of overlapping heat-/drought responsive genes in poplars exposed to high temperature and drought. Scientific Reports 7:43215.

    30)Zhi-Bin Luo*, Jiali He, Andrea Polle, Heinz Rennenberg (2016) Heavy metal accumulation and signal transduction in herbaceous and woody plants: Paving the way for enhancing phytoremediation efficiency. Biotechnology Advances 34: 1131-1148.

    29)Jie Luo, Wenguang Shi, Hong Li, Dennis Janz, Zhi-Bin Luo* (2016) The conserved salt-responsive genes in the roots of Populus × canescens and Arabidopsis thaliana. Environmental and Experimental Botany 129:48-56.

    28)Jingbo Jia, Shaojun Li, Xu Cao, Hong Li, Wenguang Shi, Andrea Polle, Tong-Xian Liu, Changhui Peng, Zhi-Bin Luo* (2016) Physiological and transcriptional regulation in poplar roots and leaves during acclimation to high temperature and drought. Physiologia Plantarum 157: 38-53.

    27)Honghao Gan, Yu Jiao, Jingbo Jia, Xinli Wang, Hong Li, Wenguang Shi, Changhui Peng, Andrea Polle, Zhi-Bin Luo* (2016) Phosphorus and nitrogen physiology of two contrasting poplar genotypes when exposed to phosphorus and/or nitrogen starvation. Tree Physiology 36:22-38.

    26)Jie Luo, Jing Zhou, Hong Li, Wenguang Shi, Andrea Polle, Mengzhu Lu, Xiaomei Sun, Zhi-Bin Luo* (2015) Global poplar root and leaf transcriptomes reveal links between growth and stress responses under nitrogen starvation and excess. Tree Physiology 35: 1283-1302.

    25)Jiali He, Hong Li, Chaofeng Ma, Yanli Zhang, Andrea Polle, Heinz Rennenberg, Xingqi Cheng, and Zhi-Bin Luo* (2015) Overexpression of bacterial γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase mediates changes in cadmium influx, allocation, and detoxification in poplar. New Phytologist 205: 240–254 (ESI highly cited paper).

    24) Wen-Guang Shi, Hong Li, Tong-Xian Liu, Andrea Polle, Chang-Hui Peng, Zhi-Bin Luo* (2015) Exogenous abscisic acid alleviates zinc uptake and accumulation in Populus × canescens exposed to excess zinc. Plant, Cell and Environment 38: 207–223.

    23) Jiali He, Hong Li, Jie Luo, Chaofeng Ma, Shaojun Li, Long Qu, Ying Gai, Xiangning Jiang, Dennis Janz, Andrea Polle, Melvin Tyree, Zhi-Bin Luo* (2013) A transcriptomic network underlies microstructural and physiological responses to cadmium in Populus × canescens. Plant Physiology 162: 424-439 (ESI highly cited paper).

    22) Zhi-Bin Luo, Dennis Janz, Xiangning Jiang, Cornelia G?bel, Henning Wildhagen, Yupeng Tan, Heinz Rennenberg, Ivo Feussner, Andrea Polle (2009) Upgrading Root Physiology for Stress Tolerance by Ectomycorrhizas: Insights from Metabolite and Transcriptional Profiling into Reprogramming for Stress Anticipation. Plant Physiology 151: 1902-1917.

    21) Zhi-Bin Luo, Andrea Polle (2009) Wood composition and energy content in a poplar short rotation plantation on fertilized agricultural land in a future CO2 atmosphere. Global Change Biology 15: 38-47.

    20) Zhi-Bin Luo, Carlo Calfapietra, Marion Liberloo, Giuseppe Scarascia-Mugnozza, Andrea Polle (2006) Carbon partitioning to mobile and structural fractions in poplar wood under elevated CO2 (EUROFACE) and N-fertilization. Global Change Biology 12: 272-283.

    19) Hong Li, Mengchun Li, Jie Luo, Xu Cao, Long Qu, Ying Gai, Xiangning Jiang, Tongxian Liu, Hua Bai, Dennis Janz, Andrea Polle, Changhui Peng, Zhi-Bin Luo* (2012) N-fertilization has different effects on the growth, carbon and nitrogen physiology, and wood properties of slow- and fast-growing Populus species. Journal of Experimental Botany 63: 6173-6185.

    18) Jie Luo, Hong Li, Tongxian Liu, Andrea Polle, Changhui Peng, Zhi-Bin Luo* (2013) Nitrogen metabolism of two contrasting poplar species during acclimation to limiting nitrogen availability. Journal of Experimental Botany 64: 4207-4224.

    17) Yonglu Ma, Jiali He, Chaofeng Ma, Jie Luo, Hong Li, Tongxian Liu, Andrea Polle, Changhui Peng, Zhi-Bin Luo* (2014) Ectomycorrhizas with Paxillus involutus enhance cadmium uptake and tolerance in Populus × canescens. Plant, Cell and Environment 37: 627-642.

    16) Jie Luo, Jingjing Qin, Hong Li, Tongxian Liu, Andrea Polle, Changhui Peng and Zhi-Bin Luo* (2013) Net fluxes of ammonium and nitrate in association with H+ fluxes in fine roots of Populus popularis. Planta 237: 919-931.

    15) Xu Cao, Jingbo Jia, Chao Zhang, Hong Li, Tongxian Liu, Xiangning Jiang, Andrea Polle, Changhui Peng, Zhi-Bin Luo* (2014) Anatomical, physiological and transcriptional responses of two contrasting poplar genotypes to drought and re-watering. Physiologia Plantarum 151: 480-494.

    14) Jiali He, Jingjing Qin, Lingyun Long, Yonglu Ma, Hong Li, Ke Li, Xiangning Jiang, Tongxian Liu, Andrea Polle, Zongsuo Liang, Zhi-Bin Luo* (2011) Net cadmium flux and accumulation reveal tissue-specific oxidative stress and detoxification in Populus × canescens. Physiologia Plantarum 143: 50–63.

    13) Zhi-Bin Luo*, Chenhan Wu, Chao Zhang, Hong Li, Ulrike Lipka and Andrea Polle (2014) The role of ectomycorrhizas in heavy metal stress tolerance of host plants. Environmental and Experimental Botany 108: 47-62.

    12) Zhi-Bin Luo*, Yuping Tan, Xiangning Jiang, Cornelia G?bel, Henning Wildhagen, Ivo Feu?ner, Heinz Rennenberg and Andrea Polle (2011) The ectomycorrhizal fungus (Paxillus involutus) modulates leaf physiology of poplar towards improved salt tolerance. Environmental and Experimental Botany 72: 304-311.

    11) Jiali He, Chaofeng Ma, Yonglu Ma, Hong Li, Jingquan Kang, Tongxian Liu, Andrea Polle, Changhui Peng, Zhi-Bin Luo* (2013) Cadmium tolerance in six poplar species. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 20:163–174.

    10) Zhi-Bin Luo, Carlo Calfapietra, Giuseppe Scarascia-Mugnozza, Marion Liberloo, Andrea Polle (2008) Carbon-based secondary metabolites and internal nitrogen pools in Populus nigra under Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) and N-fertilisation. Plant and Soil 304: 45-57.

    9) Xu Cao, Jingbo Jia, Hong Li, Mengchun Li, Jie Luo, Zongsuo Liang, Tongxian Liu, Weiguo Liu, Changhui Peng, Zhi-Bin Luo* (2012) Photosynthesis, water use efficiency and stable carbon isotope composition are associated with anatomical properties of leaf and xylem in six poplar species. Plant Biology 14: 612-620.

    8) Hong Li, Jing Li, Yalong He, Shaojun Li, Zongsuo Liang, Changhui Peng, Andrea Polle, Zhi-Bin Luo* (2013) Changes in carbon, nutrients and stoichiometric relations under different soil depths, plant tissues and ages in black locust plantations. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 35:2951–2964.

    7) Zheng Y., Zhao* Z., Zhou J., Zhou H.,Liang Z. and Zhi-Bin Luo* (2011) The importance of slope aspect and stand age on the photosynthetic carbon fixation capacity of forest: a case study with black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) plantations on the Loess Plateau. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 33: 419-429.

    6) Zhi-Bin Luo*, Ke Li, Xiangning Jiang, Andrea Polle (2009) The ectomycorrhizal fungus (Paxillus involutus) and hydrogels affect performance of Populus euphratica exposed to drought stress. Annals of Forest Science 66: 106.

    5) Zhi-Bin Luo, Rosemarie Langenfeld-Heyser, Carlo Calfapietra, and Andrea Polle (2005) Influence of free air CO2 enrichment (EUROFACE) and nitrogen fertilisation on the anatomy of juvenile wood of three poplar species after coppicing. Trees 19: 109-118.

    4) Huai Chen, Qiuan Zhu, Changhui Peng, Ning Wu, Yanfen Wang, Xiuqin Fang, Yongheng Gao, Dan Zhu, Gang Yang, Jianqing Tian, Xiaoming Kang, Shilong Piao, Hua Ouyang, Wenhua Xiang, Zhi-Bin Luo, Hong Jiang, Xinzhang Song, Yao Zhang, Guirui Yu, Xinquan Zhao, Peng Gong, Tandong Yao, Jianghua Wu (2013) The impacts of climate change and human activities on biogeochemical cycles on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Global Change Biology 19: 2940-2955.

    3) Weifeng Wang, Changhui Peng, Daniel D. Kneeshaw, Guy R. Larocque, and Zhi-Bin Luo (2012) Drought-induced tree mortality: ecological consequences, causes, and modelling. Environmental Reviews 20: 109–121.

    2) Marion Liberloo, Sophie Dillen, Carlo Calfapietra, Sara Marinari, Zhi-Bin Luo, Paolo De Angelis, Reinhart Ceulemans (2005) Elevated CO2 concentration, fertilization and their interaction: growth stimulation in a short-rotation poplar coppice (EUROFACE). Tree Physiology 25: 179-189.

    1) Marion Liberloo, Carlo Calfapietra, Martin Lukac, Douglas Godbold, Zhi-Bin Luo, Andrea Polle, Marcel Hoosbeek, Olevi Kull, Michal Marek, Christine Raines, Gail Taylor, Giuseppe Scarascia-Mugnozza, Reinhart Ceulemans (2006) Woody biomass production during the second rotation of a bio-energy Populus plantation increases in a future high CO2 world. Global Change Biology 12: 1094-1106.


    2) Zhi-Bin Luo (2008) Metabolic analysis and genome-wide transcriptional profiling using Affymetrix poplar genome array have revealed that ectomycorrhizas attenuate NaCl-stress responses in the salt-sensitive poplar (Poplulus × canescens). Dissertation for fulfilling Postdoctoral Research,University of Goettingen, Germany.

    1) Zhi-Bin Luo (2006) Wood Quality, Carbon and Nitrogen Partitioning, and Gene Expression Profiling in Populus Exposed to Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) and N-fertilisation. PhD thesis, University of Goettingen, Germany.


    4) Wenguang Shi, Yuhong Zhang, Zhi-Bin Luo* (2019) Cadmium causes the deficiency of essential metals through the restriction of their release from vacuoles of root epidermal cells in poplars. International conference on integrative plant physiology 2019, Oct. 27-29, Sitges, Spain.

    3) Yan Lu, Shu-Rong Deng, Di Liu, Jing Zhou, Qi-Feng Liu, Wen-Jian Yu, Hui-Min Liu, and Zhi-Bin Luo* (2018) The transcriptomic and metabolomic networks underlying the anatomical and physiological responses of the secondary growth of poplars to low nitrogen. Plant Biology 2018, Jul. 14-18, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

    2) Zhi-Bin Luo*, Carlo Calfapietra, Andrea Polle (2004) Non-structural carbohydrate dynamics in Populus nigra exposed to Free Air Carbon dioxide Enrichment (FACE) and N-fertilisation. Understanding Poplar: From Genes to Functions. Poplar-Symposium, 13 and 14 May, 2004, Goettingen, Germany.

    1) Zhi-Bin Luo*, Carlo Calfapietra, Andrea Polle (2004) Seasonal changes of carbohydrates and nitrogen in Populus nigra exposed to free air carbon dioxide enrichment (EUROFACE) and N-fertilisation after coppicing. International FACE Workshop: Short- and long-term effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on managed ecosystems. Ascona, Switzerland, 20–25 March 2004.

    Invited Oral Presentations

    10) Physiological and Molecular Responses of Populus alba × P. glandulosa to Changes in Light Intensity and Nitrogen Availability, The 20th IUFRO Tree Biotech & The 2nd Forest Tree Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Conference, 7-9 July 2022, Harbin, China.

    9) Can Populus species be good candidates for remediating cadmium contaminated soil? 第七届中国林业学术大会树木生理生化专业委员会分会场,气候变化加剧背景下的树木生理研究:机遇与挑战。2019年11月9-10日,中国南京。

    8) Physiological and Transcriptomic Responses of Populus Species to Changes in Nitrogen Availability. 2018 International Conference on Biomass Resources Reuses, 24-26 October, 2018, Zhengzhou, China.

    7) Overexpression of bacterial γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase mediates changes in cadmium in?ux, allocation and detoxi?cation in poplar. IUFRO 125th Anniversary Congress 2017, Development of Adaptation Strategies for Climate Change using GM Trees, Sep. 18-22, 2017, Freiburg, Germany.

    6) Ecophysiological and Molecular Responses of Populus Species to Nitrogen Deficiency and Fertilization. International Symposium on Forest Soils: Linking Ecosystem Processes and Management to Forest Biodiversity and Functions, Sep. 17-20, 2013, Shenyang, Liaoning, China.

    5) Anatomical, Physiological and Transcriptomic Adaptation to Cadmium Stress in Populus × canescens. The Tenth Chinese Forest Science Conference of Young Scholars, Sep. 1-3, 2012, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China.

    4) Carbon and Nitrogen Partitioning, Wood Properties and Gene Expression Profiling in Populus Exposed to Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) and N-fertilization. The Second Chinese Forestry Conference, Nov. 07-09, 2009, Nanning, Guangxi, China.

    3) Upgrading plant tolerance against salinity by ectomycorrhizas. The Second Poplar Symposium: From Genes to Function, Mar. 11-13, 2009, University of Goettingen, Germany.

    2) Carbon partitioning between growth and defense in Populus nigra exposed to Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) and N-fertilisation. EUROFACE contractors meeting, Oct. 21-22, 2004, University of Essex, UK.

    1) Effects of Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) and N-fertilisation on carbon-based secondary metabolites of Populus nigra. Botany Conference, Sep. 5-10, 2004, Braunschweig, Germany.



    9)刘奇峰,李卓蓉,吴江婷,罗志斌*(2019)不同氮素供给水平对84K杨幼苗碳氮代谢的影响. 林业科学研究 32(6):63-72.

    8)杨振安, 宋双飞, 李靖, 李红, 罗志斌*(2014)不同林龄华北落叶松人工林根系特征和氮磷养分研究. 西北植物学报 34(7):1432-1442.

    7)李靖,马永禄,罗杰,李红,罗志斌*(2013)黄土丘陵沟壑区不同林龄刺槐林养分特征与生物量研究. 西北林学院学报 28: 7-12.

    6)袁丁, 李红, 郝文芳, 罗志斌* (2012) 毛果杨全基因组硝酸根转运蛋白家族NRT2s序列分析. 西北林学院学报 27: 80-86.

    5)王策, 秦静静, 甘红豪, 李红, 罗志斌* (2012) 毛果杨全基因组磷酸根转运蛋白家族成员序列分析. 浙江农林大学学报 29:516-526.

    4)李磊, 罗杰, 李红, 罗志斌* (2011) 毛果杨基因组铵转运蛋白家族成员及其序列分析. 西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版) 39: 133-142.

    3)何亚龙, 李刚, 龙凌云, 李红, 龚春梅, 梁宗锁, 胡景江, 罗志斌* (2011) 黄土丘陵沟壑区不同植被类型对土壤特性及生物量的影响. 西北林学院学报 26:1-7

    2)何亚龙, 李刚, 李红, 龚春梅, 梁宗锁, 胡景江, 罗志斌* (2011) 退耕生态系统碳储量时空动态变化的研究进展. 土壤通报 42:1268-1275.

    1)罗志斌*, 马焕成, 饶龙兵 (2002) 保水剂及其在林业上的应用研究进展. 林业科学研究 15: 620-627

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