

作   者:陈朋,于雪丹,张川红,郑勇奇,孙圣,程蓓蓓,朱从波
卷 期 号:49(3)
页     码:159-164
In this study, the habitat, soil seed banks and natural regeneration of Acer griseum were investigated
systematically.Asasub—climax speciesand an associated treespecies,A.griseum scattered in the mountainousbroad—
leaved mixed forests,and the mountainousconiferousand broad—leaved mixed forestsin addition tothe mountaintop shrub
forests.Thespeciesthrived mostly on semi—sunny slopes,semi—shadeslopes,shade slopesand gullies.Itgrew in the
mountainbrown soil,yellow brown soiland mountain cinnamon soil.Thethicknessofsoillayer,in which the species
grew ,wasfrom the bare rock to about30 em soilrange,some treeseven grew in rock crevices. Itnaturally regenerated
mainly by seeds,followed by somestump—sprouting and rootsprouting.M ostoftheseedsin soilseed bank were stored in
the litterlayer. There were 172 seeds·m ~ in the litter. while only 42 seeds·m 一 between 0 to 10 cm soil layer in
Yuanling,Hunan province. Few or no seeds were found in deeper soil layer than 10 am . The amount ofseeds was
negatively correlated with the distance from the parenttree and the wind also could contribute to seed dispersa1. Allthe
above resultsindicated thatreduction ofthe quantityofA. griseum wild resources mightbe due to bad habitat,low seed
yield and hi.gh percentage ofempty seeds,dificuhy ofseed germination,aswellasthe poorenvironmentalconditionsfor
naturalregeneration oftheseedlings.

下一条:Sheng Sun, Xue-dan Yu, Yong-qi Zheng, Peng Chen, Chuan-hong Zhang. Isolation and characterization of twenty-seven polymorphicmicrosatellite loci in endangered Chinese paperbark maple,Acer griseum (Dicotyledoneae: Aceraceae). Biochemical Sy
