
Assessing the bacterial communities in the rhizosphere of 8-year-old transgenic poplar (Populus spp.)

作   者:Wenxu Zhu,Yanguang Chu,Changjun Ding,Qinjun Huang,Bingyu Zhang,Weixi Zhang,Xiaohua Su
期刊名称:Journal of Forestry Research
卷 期 号:
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关键词:16S rRNA Transgenic poplar Bacteria communities Rhizosphere soil
Microbe communities in rhizosphere ecosystems
are important for plant health but there is limited
knowledge of them in the rhizospheres of genetically
modified (GM) plants, especial for tree species. We used
the amplitude sequencing method to analyze the V4
regions of the 16S rRNA gene to identify changes in
bacterial diversity and community structure in two GM
lines (D520 and D521), one non-genetically modified (nonGM)
line and in uncultivated soil. After chimera filtering,
468.133 sequences in the domain Bacteria remained. There
were ten dominant taxonomic groups (with [1 % of all
sequences) across the samples. 241 of 551 genera (representing
a ratio of 97.33 %) were common to all samples.
A Venn diagram showed that 1.926 operational taxonomic
units (OTUs) were shared by all samples. We found a
specific change, a reduction in Chloroflexi, in the
microorganisms in the rhizosphere soil planted with
poplars. Taken together, the results showed few statistical
differences in the bacterial diversity and communitystructure between the GM line and non-GM line, thissuggests that there was no or very limited impact of this
genetic modification on the bacterial communities in the

上一条:丁昌俊,张伟溪,高暝,黄秦军,褚延广,苏晓华. 不同生长势美洲黑杨转录组差异分析. 林业科学. 2016, 52(3): 47-58. 下一条:Qinjun Huang,Changjun Ding,Weixi Zhang,Bingyu Zhang,Yanguang Chu,Dahai Wang,Xiaohua Su. A cDNA microarray analysis of the molecular control of poplar wood properties. Journal of Forestry Research. 2016,
