
Overexpression of a Peroxiredoxin gene from Tamarix hispida, ThPrx1,Confers Tolerance to Oxidative Stress in Yeast and Arabidopsis

作   者:王留强,李真,王超,王德印,王玉成,卢孟柱
期刊名称:Journal of Plant Biology
卷 期 号:60
页     码:1-10
关键词: Oxidative stress, Peroxiredoxin, Reactive oxygen species, Tamarix hispida
Peroxiredoxins (Prxs) are ubiquitous thiol-specific antioxidant enzymes that are critically involved in cell defense and protect cells from oxidative damage. In this study, a putative Type II Prx (ThPrx1) was identified and characterized from Tamarix hispida. The expression of ThPrx1 is highly induced in response to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and methyl viologen (MV) stresses. When expressed ectopically, ThPrx1 showed enhanced tolerance against oxidative stress in yeast
and Arabidopsis. In addition, transgenic Arabidopsis plants overexpressing ThPrx1 displayed improved seedling survival rates and increased root growth and fresh weight gain under H2O2 and MV treatments. Moreover, transgenic Arabidopsisplants showed decreased accumulation of H2O2, superoxide(O2•−) and malondialdehyde (MDA), increased superoxidedismutase (SOD) activity compared to wild-type (WT) plantsunder oxidative stress. Moreover, transgenic plants maintained
higher photosynthesis efficiency and lower electrolyte leakage rates than that of WT plants under stress conditions. These results clearly indicated that ThPrx1 plays an important role in cellular redox homeostasis under stress conditions, leading to the maintenance of membrane integrity and increased tolerance to oxidative stress.

上一条:郑来友,童品璋,孙宣军,相聪伟,张倩,许小婉,杨共鸣,斯海平. 板栗接种食用菌根真菌的菌根化效果及对幼苗促生效应的研究. 林业科学研究. 2017, 2017,30(1): 81-87. 下一条:王留强,张春蕊,王艳敏,王玉成,杨传平,卢孟柱,王超. Tamarix hispida aquaporin ThPIP2;5 confers salt and osmotic stress tolerance. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 2017,
