
Transcriptomic profiling for prolonged drought in Dendrobium catenatum

作   者:万晓,邹龙海,郑宝强,田迎秋,王雁
期刊名称: Scientific Data
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Orchid epiphytes, a group containing at least 18,000 species, thrive in habitats that often undergo periodic drought stress. However, few global gene expression profiling datasets have been published for studies addressing the drought-resistant mechanism of this special population. In this study, an experiment
involving the effect of continuous drought treatments on an epiphytic orchid, Dendrobium catenatum, was designed to generate 39 mature-leaf-tissue RNA-seq sequencing datasets with over two billion reads. These datasets were validated by a series of quality assessments including RNA sample quality, RNA-seq read
quality, and global gene expression profiling.We believe that these comprehensive transcriptomic resources will allow a better understanding of the drought-resistant mechanisms of orchid epiphytes.

上一条:黄昕蕾,郑宝强,王雁. 鼓槌石斛不同花期香气成分及盛花期香气日变化规律研究. 林业科学研究. 2018, 31(4): 142-149. 下一条:邹龙海,万晓,邓华,郑宝强,李柏君,王雁. RNA-seq transcriptomic profiling of crassulacean acid metabolism pathway in Dendrobium catenatum. Scientific Data. 2018,
