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Ⅺ International Congress on Hazelnut

Jun 4, 2024

On behalf of the International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS) and the Organizing Committee, we would like to invite you to the Ⅺ International Congress on Hazelnut. The Congress will be held in Beijing, China.

The International Congress on Hazelnut has been organized every 4 years in different countries for nearly 40 years. Academics, researchers, farmers, private companies and governmental organizations from many countries attend the congress.

Congress theme: Hazelnut: forest food and oil plant

Topics of sessions:

Hazelnut Status, Marketing, and Policies

Genetics, Germplasm and Genetic Improvement

Regionalized Cultivation and Cultivar Evaluation

Biology, Physiology and Propagation

Orchard Management

Pests and Diseases

Post-harvest, Processing and Utilization

Hazelnut Industry and Rural Economy

下一条:The International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS)
