Poster, Presentation & Awards

Poster Guidance for the XI International Congress on Hazelnut

    Recommended size: 80 cm wide, 120 cm high

    Poster Header: The poster starts at the top with the title, authors and author affiliations.


  • Abstract (as shown in ROSA), Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, References/Literature Cited.

  • Tables should have a caption at the top. Figures should have a caption at the bottom.

  • Please include photos, as these make the poster more attractive and improve clarity of the presentation.

  • Please provide the convener with a PDF version of your poster.

Oral Presentations

  • Topics of sessions

Hazelnut Status, Marketing, and Policies

Genetics, Germplasm and Genetic Improvement

Regionalized Cultivation and Cultivar Evaluation

Biology, Physiology and Propagation

Orchard Management

Pests and Diseases

Post-harvest, Processing and Utilization

Hazelnut Industry and Rural Economy

  • The program includes a 20-minute block for each oral presentation. Please limit your presentation to 17 minutes and allow 3 minutes for questions.

ISHS Young Minds Awards

During each ISHS Symposium two Young Minds Awards for junior scientists will be given:

    one award for the best oral presentation given by a junior scientist who is in the same time the presenter and first author of the submitted manuscript

    one award for the best poster presented by a junior scientist who is first author of  the work

A special committee, set up by the symposium convener and an ISHS representative, will be responsible for selecting the awardees. Junior scientists to be eligible for this award must be the lead and presenting author of the submission and should be enrolled in a university or college. He/she can be undergraduate, graduate or postgraduate (limited to 6 months after finishing the program of study), and with an age limit of 35.

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附件【ISHS Young Minds Awards.docx