

部门 复合农林业研究室 民族
籍贯 浙江 课题组 林业气象、复合农林业
研究领域 森林生态与林业气象、复合农林.. 出生年月 1968.02
导师资格 博士生导师 毕业院校 中国农业大学
职称 研究员 毕业时间 2001.07
职务 研究室主任 所学专业 生态学
入职时间 1995.07 办公电话 010-62889665
电子邮件 010-62872015 传真 zhangjs@caf.ac.cn

部 门:


民 族:

课 题 组:


籍 贯:










职 称:




职 务:












  • 学习工作经历
  • 科研项目
  • 所获奖励
  • 主要成果
  • 论文专著
  • 平原农区农林复合生态系统结构与功能研究;太行山低山丘陵区复合农林业综合配套技术研究;华北石质山区水分生态特征及旱地造林技术;华北土石山区农林复合系统构建与种间调控技术;华北南部低丘山地人工林碳汇能力与水分利用;南太行农林复合系统资源高效利用技术;基于红外热图像精准提取树木冠层温度的方法;一种基于智能手机的植物叶面积指数测定方法;三针式间断加热型树干液流法测算技术。

  • 曾主持完成国家科技支撑(攻关)课题、国家自然科学基金项目、科技部成果转化项目等20余项课题。在研主持国家重点研发项目1项目,参与其他类型课题3项。

  • 2003年获第七届中国林业青年科技奖。曾获国家林业局科技进步一等奖1项,河南省科技进步一等奖和二等奖各1项、梁希科技进步奖二等奖1项。

  • 平原农区农林复合生态系统结构与功能研究;太行山低山丘陵区复合农林业综合配套技术研究;华北石质山区水分生态特征及旱地造林技术;华北土石山区农林复合系统构建与种间调控技术;华北南部低丘山地人工林碳汇能力与水分利用;南太行农林复合系统资源高效利用技术;基于红外热图像精准提取树木冠层温度的方法;一种基于智能手机的植物叶面积指数测定方法;三针式间断加热型树干液流法测算技术。

  • 1)HanSen Jia, Yu Zhou, JinSong Zhang*, ShouJia Sun, Ping Meng.Early–latewood carbon isotope enhances the understanding of the relationship between tree biomass growth and forest-level carbon fluxes.Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2022, 315:108818

    2)Yu Zhou, JinSong Zhang*, Changjun Yin* Hui Huang ShouJia Sun, Ping Meng.Empirical analysis of the influences of meteorological factors on the interannual variations in carbon fluxes of a Quercus variabilis plantation.Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2022:326:109190

    3)XiangFen Cheng, MeiJun Hu , Yu Zhou, Feng Wang , LinQi Liu , Yao Wang,Hui Huang , JinSong Zhang*. The divergence of micrometeorology sensitivity leads to changes in GPP/SIF between cork oak and popla. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2022,326:109189

    4)Linqi Liu,Xiang Gao* ,Chenghao Ren,Xiangfen Cheng, Yu Zhou,Hui Huang, Jinsong Zhang*. Applicability of the crop water stress index based on canopy–air temperature differences for monitoring water status in a cork oak plantation, northern China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology ,2022,327:109226

    5)HanSen Jia,ChongFan Guan,JinSong Zhang*, et al. Drought effects on tree growth, water use efficiency, vulnerability and canopy health of Quercus variabilis-Robinia pseudoacacia mixed plantation. Frontiers in Plant Science.2022, 10.3389/fpls.2022.1018405

    6)Chunxia He, Yan Zhao, Yao Wang, Jinfeng Cai, Jun Gao* and Jinsong Zhang*. Forage Quality and Physiological Performance of Mowed Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Subjected to Combined Light Quality and Drought . Frontiers in Plant Science,10.3389/fpls.2022.1047294

    7)Guang-Yao Shi ,Hui Huang, Yu-Qiang Sang , Lu-Lu Cai, Jin-Song Zhang* ,et al.Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence intensity has a significant correlation with negative air ion release in forest canopy. Atmospheric Environment 2022,269:118873.1~118873.10

    8)Linqi Liu, Xiang Gao, Binhua Cao, Yinji Ba, Jingling Chen, Xiangfen Cheng, Yu Zhou, Hui Huang, Jinsong Zhang*.Comparing different light use efficiency models to estimate the gross primary productivity of a cork oak plantation in northern China. Remote sensing,2022,10.3390/rs14225905

    9)Meijun Hu, Changming Ma, Jinsong Zhang*.Calibration of Thermal Dissipation Probes for Xylem Sap Flow in the Wood of a Diffuse-Porous and a Conifer Species under Cyclic Heating. Forests,2022, 10.3390/f13111964

    10)ShouJia Sun, Jinsong Zhang, Changjun Yin,et al.Stable isotopes reveal differences in climate sensitivity and physiological responses between dieback and healthy trees in a shelter forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,2022,325: 109090

    11)Longshan Zhao,Wanyang Yu,Ping Meng*,Jinsong Zhang, et al. InVEST model analysis of the impacts of land use change on landscape pattern and habitat quality in the Xiaolangdi Reservoir area of the Yellow River Basin, China. Land Degradation & Development,2022, 10.1002/ldr.4361

    12)Longshan Zhao,Ping Meng*,Jinsong Zhang, et al.The contribution of human activities to runoff and sediment changes in the Mang River basin of the Loess Plateau, China. Land Degradation &Development,10.1002/ldr.4441

    13)Longshan Zhao,Ping Meng, Jinsong Zhang,Jinxin Zhang,Shoujia Sun,Chunxia He. Effect of slope gradients on rainfall interception by leaf litter under simulated rainfall. Hydrological Processes,10.1002/hyp.14659

    14)Peirong Liu,Xiaojuan Tong*JinSong Zhang*, Ping Meng. Effect of diffuse fraction on gross primary productivity and light use efficiency in a warm-temperate mixed plantation. Frontiers in Plant Science,10.3389/fpls.2022.966125

    15)Peirong Liu , Xiaojuan Tong*, Ping Meng , Jinsong Zhang,et al. Bihysical controls on water use efficiency of six plantations under different sky conditions. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2022,320:108938

    16)Lingling Xu, Ping Meng, Xiaojuan Tong*, Jinsong Zhang ,et al.Productivity and water use efficiency of Pinus tabulaeformis responses to climate change in the temperate monsoon region. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology ,2022,327:109188

    17)Xiangfen Cheng, Yu Zhou, Meijun Hu , Feng Wang ,Hui Huang and Jinsong Zhang*. The links between canopy solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and gross primary production responses to meteorological factors in the growing season in deciduous broadleaf forest. Remote Sensing, 2021,10.3390/rs13122363

    18)Linqi Liu, Yingchao Xie,, Xiang Gao, Xiangfen Cheng, Hui Huang and Jinsong Zhang*.A New Threshold-Based Method for Extracting Canopy Temperature from Thermal Infrared Images of Cork Oak Plantations.Remote Sensing,2021,.10.3390/rs1324502

    19)Gong Zhang, Jinsong Zhang*, Ping Meng. Estimation of Kilometer-Scale Heat Fluxes Over a Hilly Area in Northern China Using an Optical-Microwave Scintillometer. Agricultural Water Management, 2021,244:106582

    20)JingruZhang,XiaojuanTong*, Jinsong Zhang*.Dynamics of phenology and its response to climatic variables in a warm-temperate mixed planation.Journal of Hydrology,2021,10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118785

    21)Guang-Yao Shi , Yu Zhou, Yu-Qiang Sang , Hui Huang, Jin-Song Zhang*,Ping Meng.Modeling the response of negative air ions to environmental factors using multiple linear regression and random forest. Ecological Informatics ,2021,66:101464

    22)ShouJia Sun , JinSong Zhang , Jia Zhou , Chongfan Guan , Shuai Lei , Ping Meng , Changjun Yin.Long-Term Effects of Climate and Competition on Radial Growth, Recovery, and Resistance in Mongolian Pines. Frontiers of Plant Science, 2021,10.3389/fpls.2021.729935


    24)黄辉; 郑昌玲; 张劲松*,孟平.2001—2019年太行山南麓栓皮栎人工林叶面积指数与气候因子的关系.生态学报,10.5846/stxb02112173576

    25)贾汉森,高峻,张劲松*等.太行山南麓栓皮栎径向生长的海拔差异及其气候响应变化. 应用与环境生物学报,10.19675/j.cnki.1006-687x.2021.10014



    28)刘沛荣,同小娟,孟平,张劲松等.散射辐射对中国东部典型人工林总初级生产力的影响.植物生态学报, 2022, 46 (8): 904-91

    29)贾汉森,高峻,张劲松*等太行山南麓不同径级栓皮栎生长对气候要素及干旱事件的响应.应用生态学报, 2021,32(8):1-9

    30)周宇; 黄辉; 张劲松*等.森林生态系统涡度相关法碳通量长时间连续性缺失数据插补方法的比较,.中国农业气象,10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2021.04.007

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