
No consistent daily variation in DNA methylation detected in Populus nigra leaves by methylation-sensitive amplification polymorphism analysis

作   者:Shu Diao, YanboWang, Changjun Ding, Yingying Chang, Lixiong Liang, Yanan Gao, Bingyu Zhang*, Xiaohua Su*
期刊名称:Journal of Forestry Research
卷 期 号:
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关键词:Cytosine methylation Epigenetic Populus nigra Methylation-sensitive amplification polymorphism (MSAP) Variation
DNA methylation, an epigenetic mechanism used by cells to control gene expression, has an important biological role in plant development and environmental fitness. Since plant DNA methylation is closely related to environmental conditions, variation during the day is
expected. Here, in genetically identical plants of Populus nigra clone N46, DNA methylation changes in leaves over a 24 h period were detected using the methylation-sensitive
amplification polymorphism method. The results showed different DNA methylation patterns in mature poplar leaves: not only in individuals at the same time, but also in samples at each of the six time during the day. In addition, night samples had a higher percentage of methylation than in morning samples. However, no statistically significant differences were found among the samples gathered at different times. Similar results were obtained for threeother P. nigra clones with different genetic backgrounds.Real time qPCR showed that the DNA methyltransferase genes Pt-MET1 and Pt-SOM1 involved in CG DNA methylation in poplar were stable over a 24 h period in leaves of P. nigra N46 compared with circadian-controlled genes. That could be part of the reason that methylation of CCGG sites is stable in those leaves. That DNA methylation differed even in genetically identical plants indicates the specificity of DNA methylation changes in their genomes. No statistically significant differences in methylation changes were found between day and night, suggesting that DNA methylation is more stable than expected and is unlikely to be involved in circadian regulation in plants.

上一条:朱文旭,丁昌俊,张伟溪,张冰玉,黄秦军,褚延广,苏晓华. 8年生转基因库安托杨外源基因转移及对土壤微生物数量影响的检测. 林业科学研究. 2017, 下一条:Qi Liu, Changjun Ding, Yanguang Chu, Weixi Zhang, Ganggang Guo, Jiafei Chen, Xiaohua Su. Pln24NT: a web resource for plant 24-nt siRNA producing loci. Bioinformatics. 2017,
