
Molecular characterization and expression analysis of WRKY family

作   者:王涛,宋争,魏莉,李潞滨
期刊名称:Genes & Genomics
卷 期 号:
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关键词:WRKY · Dendrobium officinale · Gene family · Abiotic stress · Symbiotic germination seeds
The WRKY family of transcription factors is one of the most important families of plant transcriptional regulators, and the
members regulate multiple biological processes. However, there is limited information on WRKYs in Dendrobium officinale.
In this study, 52 WRKY family genes of D. officinale were surveyed for the first time. Conserved domain, phylogenetic,
exon–intron construction, and expression analyses were performed for the DoWRKY genes. Two major types of intron splicing
(PR and VQR introns) were found, and the intron insertion position was observed to be relatively conserved in the conserved
DoWRKY domains. The expression profiles of nine DoWRKYs were analyzed in cold- and methyl jasmonate (MeJA)-treated
D. officinale seedlings; the DoWRKYs showed significant expression changes at different levels, which suggested their vital roles in stress tolerance. Moreover, the expression trends of most of the DoWRKYs after the simultaneous cold stress and MeJA treatment were the opposite of those of DoWRKYs after the individual cold stress and MeJA treatments, suggesting that the two stresses might have antagonistic effects and affect the adaptive capacity of the plants to stresses. Twelve DoWRKY genes were differentially expressed between symbiotic and asymbiotic germinated seeds; all were upregulated in the symbiotic germinated seeds except DoWRKY16. These differences in expression of DoWRKYs might be involved in promoting in vitro symbiotic germination of seeds with Tulasnella-like fungi. Our findings will be useful for further studies
on the WRKY family genes in orchids.

上一条:Fei-Fei Zhai,Jun-Xiang Liu, Zhen-Jian Li,Zhen-Yuan Sun(孙振元). Assessing genetic diversity and population structure of Salix viminalis across Ergun and West Liao basin. Silva Fennica. 2017, 2017,51(3): 7001 -article id 7001. 下一条:王楠楠;李金花;王长海;苏光灿;付永平 . 基于SSR标记的父本分析研究油橄榄品种间的亲和性. 林业科学研究. 2017, 30(4): 640-647.
