
Comparative Analyses of Anatomical Structure, Phytohormone Levels, and Gene Expression Profiles Reveal Potential Dwarfing Mechanisms in Shengyin Bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis f. tubaeformis)

作   者:Tao Wang , Lei Liu , Xiaojing Wang, Lixiong Liang , Jinjun Yue , Lubin Li
期刊名称:International Journal of Molecular Sciences
卷 期 号:
页     码:
关键词:dwarf moso bamboo; transcriptome analysis; dwarfing regulation
Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis) is one of the most important bamboo species in China
and the third most important plant species for timber production. However, the dwarf variant of
moso bamboo, P. edulis f. tubaeformis (shengyin bamboo), which has shortened internodes, is not
well studied. We used anatomical, hormonal, and transcriptomic approaches to study internode
shortening and shoot growth in dwarf shengyin and wild moso bamboo. Phenotypic and anatomical
observations showed that dwarfing in shengyin bamboo is due to reduced internode length, and
the culm fibers in shengyin bamboo are significantly shorter and thicker than in wild moso bamboo.
We measured the levels of endogenous hormones in the internodes and found that shengyin bamboo
had lower levels of four hormones while two others were higher in wild moso bamboo. Comparative
transcriptome analyses revealed a potential regulating mechanism for internode length involving
genes for cell wall loosening-related enzymes and the cellulose and lignin biosynthesis pathways.
Genes involved in hormone biosynthesis and signal transduction, especially those that showed
significant differential expression in the internodes between shengyin and wild moso bamboo, may
be important in determining the shortened internode phenotype. A hypothesis involving possible
cross-talk between phytohormone signaling cues and cell wall expansion leading to dwarfism in
shengyin bamboo is proposed. The results presented here provide a comprehensive exploration of
the biological mechanisms that determine internode shortening in moso bamboo.

上一条:xingbin chen, xiaomei sun, leiming dong, shougong, zhang. Mating patterns and pollen dispersal in a Japanese larch clonal seed orchard:a case study. Science China Life Sciences. 2018, 下一条:Jian-Feng Liu, Yun-Peng Deng, Xiao-Fei Wang, Yan-Yan Ni, Qi Wang,Wen-Fa Xiao, Jing-Pin Lei, Ze-Ping Jiang and Mai-He Li. The Concentration of Non-structural Carbohydrates, N, and P in Quercus variabilis Does Not Decline Toward Its Northern
